Built-in Functions

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Automatically check input:

1)Display soil profile image concurrently during your input of soil profile. The soil profile image is plotted on the right side during data input.

2)Check the input of layer depth.  Automatically check the depth of the layer. If the input value is less than the depth of above layer, warring dialog will pop up as shown below.

3)Check the consistency between fines content (FC) and USCS classification.  If the input fines content does not match USCS classification, warring dialog will pop up as shown below. 

4)Checks USCS classification. If the input USCS classification does not match fines content, warring dialog will pop up as shown below.

5)Merges soil properties, such as unit weight (γ), fines content (FC), clay content (CC), soil classification (USCS), and shear strength and compression parameters,  to the shear wave velocity profile.  

6)merges soil properties, such as unit weight (γ), fines content (FC), clay content (CC), soil classification (USCS), and shear strength and compression parameters,  to the CPT profile (currently unavailable),

Pop up menu:

1)Pop up menu. Users can use mouse-right-click to access pop-up menu and perform various actions.

2)Short-cut keys. All pop up menus can be accessed by mouse click or short-cut keys.  

3)Clipboard copy and paste. Input data can be copied to or pasted from clipboard. This will allow you to exchange data between other programs such as Excel.