Results output:
Liquefaction - Plot liquefaction, seismic settlement, and lateral spreading results for SPT, CPT and Vs data
SBT Charts - Plot Soil Behavior Charts with or without data on them for CPT results
CSR Charts - Plot Cyclic Stress Ration vs. Resistance chart with data on it for SPT, CPT and Vs data
Compression - Plot 3 dimensional settlement or 2 dimensional stress and deformation contours
Bearing Pressures - Plot Column Load vs. Footing Width, Bearing Pressure vs. Footing Width, Footing Pressure vs. Settlement, and Subgrade Reaction Modulus vs. Footing Width graphs and bearing pressure summary table
Earth Pressures - Plot section image, earth pressure summary, and earth pressure distributions
Swell/Collapse - Plot swell/collapse calculation results
2D Contour - A tool for plotting 2 dimensional contours
Listings - Preview text calculation results and export to Excel file.
Reports - Generate a summary report